Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Three Most Frequently Asked Questions about Hair Loss You Need to Know

Hair loss, hair thinning, and baldness – none of them is acceptable. Your mane is your pride, after all. Maybe that's the main reason that most of the people who are unfortunate enough to experience the loss, eventually, tend to ask many questions – mostly because they want to know the permanent solution of this problem.

So, down here, we've compiled the three most frequently asked questions and their answers too.

Here you go-

Question #1  
How true is the statement – 'hair loss is hereditary'?

Answer – This statement is as true and as false as it can be. It's actually a fifty-fifty probability that the baldness is because of one or both of your parents troubled from it. Men, factually, have the X-chromosome from their mother. This chromosome is the primary baldness gene. They can also inherit male pattern baldness from their father – known as androgenic alopecia.

Question #2
Why do Men and Women Suffer from Hair Loss?

Answer – The causes of hair loss in men and women are as diverse as the types of treatments for the baldness. At times, baldness requires only medication; while on the other hand, in some cases the baldness should not be taken lightly. The causes can be – stress, overusing the harmful chemicals, coloring, bleaching, poor diet, and sometimes because of the repercussions of a medication or a medical condition.

Question #3
What's the percentage of the women and men who lose their hair?

Answer – Mid-frontal hair loss is predominant mostly when the age increases. The scenario is same for men and women, for that matter. Approximately 57% of women and near about 73% of men aged 80 and older tend to suffer from hair loss. The percentage of men bearing noticeable hair loss at the age of 35 is forty; it reaches 65% by the age of 60 and 70% by the age of 80. About 80% of women have noticeable hair loss by the age of 60. 

Are you seeking a Permanent Treatment for Baldness? Of course, in this era of science and technology, there are renowned clinics with skilled physicians who are dedicatedly focused to bring your mane back. Do you want to get more information? You can schedule your free consultation appointment.

Until next time.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Food For Thought... Are You an Ideal Candidate for Body Hair Transplant?

So you know about body hair transplant and the knowledge of the procedure. However, do you know if you're an ideal candidate for a body hair transplant? What does the success of the procedure depend upon? You must be curious, for good hair for you is healthy hair, but only if you own them in the first place.

Read on to know if you're an ideal candidate for a body hair transplant.

Simply put, by and large, hair is taken out from the donor areas available on the head – from the back and the sides of the head, more precisely. If the case is that there are not enough hair in these areas, you will be considered to not comply with the apt physical conditions to have a healthy hair growth. Eventually, you're not at all eligible for a hair transplant.

Whatsoever the condition is, only a professional and skilled doctor gets to decide whether or not you comply with the physical conditions.

Once a doctor will examine your physical condition, he/she will also see if your body hair can compensate for your hair in the scalp. If it is a good enough idea, you'll be eligible to get your mane back, fortunately.

Look at the main criteria that should be kept in mind-
  • How large or small is the donor area? Will it be sufficient?
  • How much similar are the body hair and the hair on the head?
  • How much follicular units are available with 2-3 hair follicles.
  • Is the hair density above 40 follicular units per cm square?
What does the success of the body hair transplant depend upon?
  • Highly dependable upon the actual experience of the physician or the surgeon who is going to conduct the procedure.
  • Not only precise extraction of the donor hairs, also precise implantation of the grafts.
  • Precise preparation as well as storage of the follicular units.
  • Precise creation of a natural looking hairline.
As earlier mentioned, your Body Hair Transplantation is highly dependable upon the skills and the experience of the doctor. Are you searching for a professional physician? You know you've landed on the right place.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Here's the How Much, What and Why of the Costs of a Hair Transplant

You might have seen hundreds of advertisements regarding cosmetic products, objects of clothing, pills and medications that claim a permanent solution to your hair loss or baldness problems. You probably know these are fake and they are not meant to cure your baldness permanently. However, either cheap, but at last they leave you with pluggy hair or they just do not work in the first place, for that matter.

A Hair Transplant Surgery, on the other hand, is a permanent solution that brings lifelong results.

We all, however, tend to go for the cheapest option available. But looking at the difference between the both, you should look at the hair transplant surgery as a long term investment. And, if you still want to look around for the most low-priced option, here, we are advising you to reconcile the costs involved.

You'll Not Be Overcharged if You'll Approach a Reputed Surgeon
As far as the overcharging is concerned, you will certainly not be overcharged if you'll go to a surgeon who's not only skilled and a pro at what he/she performs, but also a reputed one in the market and among his/her precious clients and customers. Make sure you have reliable references.

Avoid Overpaying
Make sure there is a onetime charge and after you paid once and the procedure is done, you do not have to pay for any ancillary products – neither are you obligated to nor you should pay for any of the follow-up appointments. Some doctors, however, may charge for the initial consultation.

Know the fair market price in your area. Shop around. Then only make a decision. Do not risk, or else you'll get 'cheap' results too.

At Reviva Clinic, you can schedule a free consultation, so that you know about the procedure and the aftermaths of the hair transplant surgerybasically to clear your doubts. With a reputed, skilled and professional physician and surgeon, happy days will be 'hair' again!

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Selecting the Best Surgeon and Clinic for Your Hair Transplant Surgery

It used to be that hair transplant wasn't really known among people. By now, however, hair transplant is considered as an all-pervasive art. And you know how art is all about the experience and the expertise over the years. Don't you?

In any case, the results of the hair transplant will entirely depend upon your choice of the clinic and the surgeon, for that matter. In which case, it's really important for you to choose the right Hair Transplant Clinic in India, at the same time, an expert and skilled surgeon.

Down here, we have listed certain sure shot steps to help you out. Read on to know them and follow them accordingly.

Get in Touch With the Earlier Patients
Word of mouth is one of the best forms of marketing – the one that organizations do not even pay for. Once a clinic has conducted successful hair transplant surgeries of their patients, you can check out for the testimonials of the patients on the official website of the clinic. Furthermore, try and contact them, they'll tell you about the reliability of the surgeon and the clinic better than none.

Meet the Doctor Personally
There is no harm in booking a free consultation with the doctor prior to any decision. Just shoot your email message, phone number and email address on the website of the clinic and you'll be there meeting the surgeon who'll be performing the procedure. Would have been merely to get a talk done, it wouldn't have been necessary, but the main reason you should meet the doctor/surgeon himself is that he can actually assess your current condition. This way he/she will suggest the most appropriate way and the most appropriate time you should go under the knife.

Ask As Many Questions As You Want
Make sure you ask questions. You're the one who's going to live with the hair transplant. Ask if the clinic has the proper and apt facilities to perform the follicular unit extraction. Questioning enough of the useful things one should can be possible in case you do a little bit of prior research.

Are you in search of a clinic and a skilled as well as proficient surgeon who performs the best Hair Transplantation in India? Well, you know you've landed on the right place.

Happy days are 'hair' again, after all! Until next time!