Thursday 31 March 2016

To Fix your Patchy Beard - Get a Beard Transplant!

It’s time for all baby faced & patchy bearded men to rejoice! The role of beard in making men look mature and muscular cannot be overlooked. So, if you are not satisfied with your god given beard or looking for some way to fix your patchy beard then a beard transplant is your best bet. Just with a simple beard transplant procedure you can get a natural looking beard which can be shaved just like regular beard giving you a stronger and manlier look.

Here things you must know before you opt for Beard Transplant.
1. Facial Hair Transplants- A facial hair transplant is not only restricted to styling a beard transplant rather you can go for a moustache of your choice, a fashionable goatee, and even sideburns. Besides styling aspect, it can be effectively utilized to hide any type of scars on your face. 
2. Get the beard you desire for-With the beard hair transplant you can get the beard you always wanted. Yes, you heard me right just like getting a hair cut of your choice, you can get a beard too. Tell your surgeon you need designer stubble and walk confidently with your new beard.
3. Donor hair are taken from the scalp-Similar to hair transplant surgery is beard transplant surgery wherein the donor hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp. Hair at the back of the scalp has the closest match to facial hair however in some cases sides of the scalp are also used. The new grafted hair on your beard will have same characteristics as your facial hair in terms of look and texture and best part is you can shave these off the way you use to do prior the transplant.
4. Procedure take only few hours-Just like hair transplant the procedure of beard transplant takes approximately 4to 5 hours to complete. Duration of procedure can vary depending upon the beard density and area you are getting covered.

Beard Transplant is a surgical procedure though practically painless but get it done only from an experienced hair restoration surgeon otherwise; you may run the risk of developing infection or scars on your face. So, avoid any chances and go for a skilled surgeon and get the desired results.

Friday 25 March 2016

How To Know If You Are All Prepared For Hair Transplant Treatment?

Unanimously, for every human being living in this planet, hair plays a big role in setting up one’s identity as well as the natural appearance. On the other hand, noticing the hair loss problem can be a nightmare to many and would try out all the possible ways to cover up the hair loss that eventually does not do much good. No matter, if it is men or women, now there are ways to curb hair loss and the most effective one is hair restoration treatment. However, this is not the option for everyone, and not suitable for all types of hair loss.

Before deciding to go for the treatment, there are several things to consider and only a hair restoration specialist can help you determine if the procedure suits you, or if you are prepared for a hair transplant treatment. 

Permanent Solution to Hair Loss
Certainly, there are a numerous non-surgical options available for the treatment of hair loss. While some of them can work on some of the people, it is never a permanent solution to hair loss. On the other hand, permanent results are obtained through hair transplant procedure for the treatment of female and male pattern baldness.

Losing Too Much Hair
Well, it is natural that people panic when they first see a spot on the head that is getting bald or with lesser amount of hair growing in that area. Even when they notice that the hairline has gone back a little, they feel restless and look for immediate solutions. Hair transplant cannot be done on people with early signs of hair loss. Thus, it is often advised to wait several years once you first start noticing hair loss and to consider hair transplant surgery. The procedure once performed would show permanent results.

Know the Procedure of Hair Restoration
Hair restoration surgery is less intrusiveas compared to other surgeries, and is generally done using a local anesthetic on the patient. After the treatment, the recovery is also a bit shorter and within few days, one can get back to the routine work instead of waiting for weeks. The easiness of this procedure does not mean that hair restoration is something to take lightly. You need to know everything about the procedure beforehand to expect realistic results.

If you’ve been dealing with male or female pattern baldness for several years now,then, it’s time to consider a hair restoration treatment from the experts.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Get the Facts on Eyebrow Hair Transplant

Eyebrows act like curtains to the windows of the eyes saving it against dust, dirt and sweat that might make way into your eyes. Besides, their function as filter to the eyes, Eyebrows are considered as most important facial feature.

These days, eyebrow loss has become common among men and women; it can be due to over plucking or even some health condition like thyroid or genetics. If you are having an eyebrow loss, sparse or thin eyebrows, then an eyebrow hair transplant can fix that for you. 
Below mentioned are frequently asked Questions that you might like to go through before heading for an eyebrow transplant.

Q: Who is a good candidate for an eyebrow hair transplant?
A: Anyone who has a sparse or thinning eyebrow can opt for an eyebrow transplant. In fact, any individual who does not have the density and shape of a good eyebrow can get the desired shape with eyebrow transplant.

Q: How is the eyebrow surgery performed?
A: In this procedure, surgeon takes donor grafts from back of the head and this is performed using either FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method. The patient can stay awake during the whole procedure from start to finish or can be given a sedative. Besides, direction of growth is also considered so that it mimics the existing eyebrow.

Q: How long does the procedure takes?
A: This procedure generally takes 4-5 hours and sometimes it can stretch to 6 hours as well depending upon amount of work needs to be done.

Q: How painful is the procedure?
A: During the entire procedure, patient can stay awake from start to finish; it is not painful at all. Patients are generally given anesthetics or an oral sedative before the procedure.

Q:What is the recovery time for an eyebrow transplant?
A: There is not much recovery time needed, patient can go back to work in one or two days. However, some scabbing can be found on the surgical site and some itching or burning sensation can be there temporarily. However, this all is well taken care by medication and lotions.

For more information on eyebrow transplant, keep reading our blogs.

Thursday 10 March 2016

How to Avoid Hair Loss Scams

The hair loss scam is not something you dream for, Isn’t? There are many people out there who are happy to take an advantage on the insecurity of men who are continuously losing their hair. The motive of this article is to help everyone who is suffering from hair loss scam and saving their money from hair treatments. 

One of the best ways to avoid the hair scam is to have relevant information about the products being used. Ultimately, there are two treatments that have been proved to work scientifically by the FDA, which is minoxidil and finasteride or Rogaine and Propecia. Apparently, these drugs work differently, so they have been tested extensively and are proved as an effective treatment for a healthy percentage of men.

Products to avoid:
  • Laser combs: Laser combs are well known in the hair loss industry, but they are expensive and have no scientific proof of being effective. Therefore, they should be avoided.
  • Topical treatments without any recommendations: Any random treatment that ensures to stop hair loss, whether it’s a gel, cream or a shampoo must be avoided unless and until you get authorized by a hair specialist. Avoid taking any risk.
Treatments for grey area: Below are a few treatments that fall under the category of grey area:
  • Some herbal treatments: Herbal treatments like saw palmetto do not have any scientific proof of being effective, thus, no one knows if they work or not. However, the true story is that different people have different prospects of choosing, for example, some people find saw palmetto really effective because of its positive result while others don’t.
  • Thickening shampoos: There are many shampoos that thicken and increase the hair, but fail to prevent hair loss. However, these shampoos are sold as hair treatments, which are quite deceitful, as they do not hinder DHT.
If you want to know hair loss surgery cost, then visit the website of Reviva clinic.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Say No to Hair loss and Yes to Hair Transplantation

The belief to restore your hair is back! Yes, you heard it right. The recent technology has made it possible to restore your hair with the excellent and promising Hair Transplantation technique.

Hair transplantation technique came as a boon for those thousands of people who thought that baldness is a curse growing fast not only in men but also in women. The strategy focuses basically on restoration of hair on certain parts of the body. It is a technique that is being practiced by many of the surgeons worldwide and is highly recommended by them. This hair restoration surgery is the only permanent treatment option for patients with male or female pattern baldness.

Want to know more about different Hair Transplantation techniques and the cost of the treatment procedure? Take a free trip to Reviva Clinic!

With an elite group of specialists, Reviva Clinic was established in 2008 and since then became the pioneer of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation strategy. It is a method of graft harvesting in which follicles are removed from donor area and moved to recipient area. FUE hair restoration strategy leads to a complete recovery of an individual in a time span of 5-7 days, inclusive of other advantages like less trauma, less visible scarring and more rapid healing.

Some other services provided by Reviva Clinic that are exclusive includes-
  • Hair Transplant Repair
  • Female Hair Loss Strategy
  • Beard Transplant
  • Eyebrow Transplant
  • Body Hair Transplant
Moreover, Reviva Clinic offers free consultation. You must visit the website to know more about the services. We are here to help you. So, Say No to Hair Loss & Yes to Hair Transplantation…